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    SCC & EPOS IMPACT 1000 Series: Protect Your Brain in the New Open Office
    In the dynamic environment of an open office, it’s no secret that our brains are constantly challenged by external stimuli. That’s why SCC are partnering with audio-visual giants EPOS once more – to present the new IMPACT 1000 headset series. Designed to help the brain focus on phone calls in a loud environment, their headsets...

    SCC & EPOS IMPACT 1000 Series: Protect Your Brain in the New Open Office

    SCC & EPOS: Upgrade Your Meeting Experience with EXPAND Vision 5
    For organizations in need of a savvy tech set up to complement a small or medium-sized meeting room, EPOS has the answer. The EXPAND Vision 5 all-in-one video bar takes video conferencing to the next level. Combining speakers, a camera, a microphone, and compute, this device is the future of hybrid working tech. SCC and...

    SCC & EPOS: Upgrade Your Meeting Experience with EXPAND Vision 5

    SCC & EPOS: Embrace The Future of Hybrid Working With BrainAdapt™
    Bridging the gap between the physical office and remote work, hybrid working is now integral to the workplace. And while we’re still getting to grips with its complexities, it has opened our eyes to endless possibilities. To ensure teams remain connected, EPOS has partnered with SCC to present their intelligent audio, smart camera, and device...

    SCC & EPOS: Embrace The Future of Hybrid Working With BrainAdapt™

    EPOS and SCC: Remain Focused Throughout the Working Day with BrainAdapt™
    Hybrid working has become the “new normal” in the workplace, which means we face never-before-seen challenges in communicating and collaborating. And while we’ve opened up a whole new world of working, the most primitive part of our brain still struggles to keep up with the artificial sound produced by speakers. For many, it can quickly...

    EPOS and SCC: Remain Focused Throughout the Working Day with BrainAdapt™

    EPOS and SCC: Audio Solutions for Healthcare Professionals
    COVID-19 has prompted a shift in all business practices, with virtual communication becoming the norm. For the healthcare sector, selecting the right devices and technology is critical to maintain confidentiality whilst improving efficiency in the post-pandemic world. In Partnership with SCC, EPOS devices coupled with Microsoft Teams technology offers the scope to provide the highest...

    EPOS and SCC: Audio Solutions for Healthcare Professionals

    SCC and EPOS: Audio solutions for the legal industry
    Clarity, security, and confidentiality are the foundation of interactions with customers and partners in the legal industry. In the new normal of remote working, selecting the right audio communications technology is critical to maintaining these whilst maximising the earning potential. With remote working, bad audio really does cost business. In partnership with SCC, EPOS delivers...

    SCC and EPOS: Audio solutions for the legal industry

    Audio solutions for the New University Experience
    Campus life has changed beyond recognition for students, teachers, and faculty staff alike, but it has also provided an opportunity for education professionals to re-evaluate learning norms, providing a glimpse of what the future could hold for higher education in the post-pandemic world. Adapting to new conditions has meant lecturers have had to find new...

    Audio solutions for the New University Experience

    SCC and EPOS: Professional as always
    In the past 12 months, the lives of working professionals have transformed. Hybrid working is now a reality and it’s a way of working many have dreamt of for years. As the world of hybrid work continues to develop and an increasing number of meetings and creative collaborations take place virtually, integrated audio and video...

    SCC and EPOS: Professional as always

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