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    Audio solutions for the New University Experience
    Campus life has changed beyond recognition for students, teachers, and faculty staff alike, but it has also provided an opportunity for education professionals to re-evaluate learning norms, providing a glimpse of what the future could hold for higher education in the post-pandemic world. Adapting to new conditions has meant lecturers have had to find new...

    Audio solutions for the New University Experience

    Could AI change the way we teach?
    Artificial intelligence (AI) brings the potential for teaching to be enhanced and tailored to the needs of the individual student – but while it certainly has a place, it won’t be taking over from real-life lecturers completely for some time yet, says Amiee Gallagher, Education Business Development Executive at SCC. At the World Innovation Summit...

    Could AI change the way we teach?

    Is education the next target for the tech giants?
    Big tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Apple are all very interested in education. Up to now, they have restricted their involvement to being providers of enabling technology to the sector. But what might happen if they decided to try and enter the market as providers of education? The sheer scale of the big...

    Is education the next target for the tech giants?

    IBM Cyber Security Case Study
    Overview Cyber-attacks on organisations are now inevitable. Security is no longer about preventing attacks, it’s about preparing for them. This means finding them and dealing with them in real time. The longer a cyber-attack goes undetected (on average 154 days), the more damage it does to the business and the more money it will cost...

    IBM Cyber Security Case Study

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