Go paperless with Microsoft Surface and Adobe Acrobat
There is an opportunity for digital technology to pave the way for the modern Legal professional.
Personalised, digital experiences have become the standard across many industries. Taking your Legal firm on a journey from paper heavy to paper light or even paperless is becoming increasingly essential. Here’s why. Accelerate productivity and efficiency, 87% of employees acknowledge that poor technologies art hurting company productivity. Ensure the highest security standards. Enhance human experiences. Improve sustainability efforts, 66% said Acrobat Sign helped advance their organisations’ sustainability efforts.
Delivered in partnership with SCC, the paperless experience with premium Surface 2 in 1 devices offering flexible form factors with touch screen, Surface Slim Pen for a world class digital inking experience and Adobe Acrobat productive and secure software are the perfect combination for legal professionals to deliver in these four critical areas, while upholding the highest standard of professionalism.
Find out more about how you can go paperless with Microsoft Surface and Adobe Acrobat by downloading our factsheet linked here.

Moving to paperless is essential
Digital transformation has become too important for Legal professionals to overlook. Forward-thinking firms are already going paperless, delivering superior client experiences, and retaining the best talent. Every moment of friction you eliminate, process you improve, step you move to digital, can have a profound and lasting effect on how your business operates, how your employees experience the workplace and, ultimately, how well you deliver services to your clients.
For example, the combination of Surface devices and Acrobat Sign can elevate customer experiences, and set your organisation apart from competitors. For example, a huge 76 hours in productivity per employee per device were gained over a three year period when adopting Surface devices, due to performance upgrades and fewer IT issues. Furthermore, 30% faster transactions were achieved with Acrobat Sign and back-office work efficiency was boosted by 47%.
Accelerate productivity and efficiency
Reduce business costs and carbon footprint
Ensure documents are secure and compliant
Do you know the environmental impact of your business?
Use the sustainability calculators and view your potential impact by going paperless today. Microsoft Surface Sustainability Calculator – Microsoft are the only global device vendor with direct and real time device emissions calculator to support essential carbon accounting. Adobe Resource Saver Calculator – Calculate your estimated environmental savings by going paperless. Adobe Carbon Footprint Calculator – Estimate the difference of your carbon footprint between e-signatures versus paper agreements.

Unlock the benefits of a modern paperless law firm.
Use the sustainability calculators and view your potential impact by going paperless today.
SCC and Microsoft
SCC has been partnering with Microsoft for over 30 years and is one of their highly regarded Gold Partners. Together, we deliver top-tier solutions to the business world, the education sector and more. This includes devices that give students the opportunity to get more from their education from virtually anywhere, such as Microsoft Surface products.
For more information, please email [email protected] or visit www.scc.com |
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