Cisco Threat Analyzer for Office 365

The Cisco Threat Analyzer for Office 365 is an assessment tool that quickly identifies security gaps within Office 365 email inboxes. It can find security vulnerabilities present in mailboxes and expose whether the threats are malware, malicious URLs, spam or graymail. The tool can also identify detailed information about potential malware, whether it has the potential to be a phishing attack, is a virus or spam that could be malicious. The tool can also help identify security threats that were allowed into your environment which may contain malicious URLs, phishing, or graymail.

The Cisco Threat Analyzer for Office 365 operates in scan mode only, it does not read emails and scanned information is discarded once the scan is completed. The scan simply identifies further areas that should be investigated and highlights how many infected inboxes have been found and the potential threats. To learn more about Cisco’s Email Security and Cloudlock please watch this short, but extremely informative, 3 min video, Securing O365.  The video references a test drive of Email Security and an eval of Cloudlock however the Analyzer Tool is a great place to start.

Here’s an example of the output report post scan.

To find out more – use the following links:

Cisco Threat Analyser – At a Glance Cisco Threat Analyser – FAQs Cisco Email Security Application – Office 365 Threat Analyzer Tool

If you would like to get in touch with SCC then please use the contact form provided below.

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