Charities Can Increase Donations with Mobile Friendly and Device Agnostic IT

Charity DonationsWhy Not for Profits need a device-agnostic operating system

33% of all online donations are made via crowdfunding, and the majority of crowdfunding donations come from an organisation’s existing network and marketing channels1while 17% of crowdfunding happens on a mobile device.2Further examples show how widespread the rise in mobile usage is: 55% of people open emails through a mobile phone3. If your organisation carries out extensive email marketing, then you need to ensure it makes it easy for people to donate in response. Donors need to be able to click through to a mobile-friendly page where they can make a donation quickly and simply. Interestingly, more than 50% of YouTube views come via mobile3. This percentage is only likely to grow as the use of smartphones continues. Therefore, it’s imperative that the message on your video directs your supporters to a mobile-friendly website or online giving form. Otherwise, you risk missing out on donations.

Get mobile-friendly

This is why not-for-profit organisations need to have a mobile strategy that encompasses all the opportunities that digital can provide from online shopping through to data collation and personalised messaging.  As an organisation, you need to be accessible across multiple platforms so your supporters can choose their method of engagement. Underpinning your IT should be a device-agnostic operating system like Microsoft Windows 10 that’s compatible with desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets and embedded devices. The right operating system can give you the tools to implement wide-ranging digital campaigns that can accommodate all of your online activities. To get the most from these campaigns, your fundraising strategy should be mobile-responsive and be able to target donors across channels. That way you will increase engagement with your NfP and maximise donations.

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