CenturyLink Considering Datacentre Sale

DatacentreGlobal telecommunications company CenturyLink is exploring strategic alternatives for their datacentre and colocation business operations.

CenturyLink has 59 datacentres in North America, Asia and Europe with over 185 megawatts of power across 2.6 million sq ft of raised floor capacity.

The review of strategic alternatives will involve a full range of options including, but not limited to a partnership or joint venture and a sale of all or a portion of the datacentres, as well as keeping some or all of these assets and operations as part of CenturyLink’s portfolio.

Glen F. Post III, chief executive officer  said “We expect colocation services to remain part of our service offerings, but we do not believe ownership of the physical datacentre assets is necessary to effectively deliver those services. Therefore, we are exploring all of the strategic alternatives available for our datacentres.”

This announcement followed the release of CenturyLink’s ‘Third Quarter 2015 Results’. This document highlights that the company achieved core revenues of approximately US$4.0 billion in 2015’s third quarter. Post added: “CenturyLink achieved solid third quarter revenues from its Consumer and Business retail network customers, while Business wholesale and hosting revenues declined, Demand for high-bandwidth data services remained strong as our business network sales increased sequentially and year-over-year, primarily driven by enterprise and global customers”.

Meanwhile, SCC  has expanded it’s datacentre and colocation services with recent investments in SIPCOM and Fluidata. Click here to read more.


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