Can You Identify the Value, Risk and Cost of Your Data?

Identify the value, risk and cost of your dataVeritas’ Databerg Report 2015

Organisations across Europe, Middle East and Africa are hoping to harness the power of information in the face of a growing data deluge.

This makes the findings from the largest independent research report into organisational data management, covering some 1,475 respondents across 14 countries, a must-read for IT executives.

The study, conducted for Veritas by research firm Vanson Bourne, looks at the issues surrounding the phenomenon of the Databerg and uncovers how organisations throughout EMEA are on track to waste more than £576 billion by 2020.

The report uncovers attitudes at the strategic, organisation and individual levels which are driving up operational costs and adding unacceptable levels of risk to modern businesses. It also offers practical steps to take action and regain control of the Databerg.

Download the Veritas Databerg Report 2015.

The UKI Databerg

 The effects of today’s exploding data volumes have gone overlooked by most UKI business leaders.

They may be forgiven for this oversight. Previous leaders did not expect their organisations to cope with data levels growing this fast. Such a data deluge never previously existed.

It is however, now expected to not just continue but to rapidly accelerate, with important consequences for organisations who ignore the growing databerg, which is made up of Business Critical Data; Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial (ROT) Data; and Dark Data.

Are you in the Dark about Data?

The average UKI organisation has just 12% of its data tagged as Business Critical, or clean data, with a recognisable business value, while around 29% is identified as ROT data. This means that 59% of company data in the UKI is Dark Data, which equates to the second highest rate in all EMEA.

This means that most of the data being stored by UKI organisations has little or no value and represents wasted corporate resources of up to £576 billion across EMEA by 2020 if no action is taken to improve information management.

Dark data is the real issue for UKI organisations. Without moves to properly classify their data, organisations are unable to safeguard any critical information and minimise waste.

The direct costs consumed by Databergs in IT resources and management time – the £576 billion EMEA figure – also do not account for the current and future investment cash which could be better spent elsewhere. By classifying their data, organisations would obtain a clearer view of how much money could be reinvested into the business.

Dispelling data myths

 Veritas are keen to educate companies about information management and dispel the 3 major data myths:

  • More data does not deliver more value
  • There’s no such thing as free storage
  • Not all data is equal, and worth storing

 Everyday business attitudes and behaviour towards data are causing the levels of Dark and ROT Data to grow.

At a strategic level, IT strategies and budgets are often based solely on data volumes and not business value, while on an organisational level, a rapid adoption of cloud applications and storage under a false ‘storage is free’ premise is fuelling the fire. Meanwhile, at an individual level, employees are misusing corporate IT resources and storing personal data.

See what others don’t

 Veritas and SCC enable organisations to harness the power of their information to drive business success, with solutions designed to serve the world’s most complex, heterogeneous environments.

Powered by Veritas’ Data Insight tool, SCC’s Data Insight solutions enable organisations to discover unstructured data and organise it using metadata, age, permissions, usage and identity context to inform data lifecycle management, compliance and risk reduction initiatives. These fully managed, end-to-end solutions are tailored to your unique business needs to help you achieve specific organisational targets and achieve insight, control and operational value.

Click here to download the Data Insight Assessment Datasheet.

For more information, please contact your SCC account manager, call 0121 281 8618 or e-mail [email protected].

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