SCC and Rigby Group raise more than £54k for children’s mental health charity
SCC and parent company the Rigby Group took part in the iGO Rigby Group Challenge in the Lake District for children’s mental health charity Place2Be. A total of 31 representatives from across all divisions of the Rigby Group took part, including seven from SCC. The team challenge involved 36KM mountain biking and a 24KM hike across two days in the Lake District. This was an even bigger challenge than first thought, as the second day came with a red weather warning. Despite the gale forced winds, rain and limited visibility, everyone made it back safe and completed the challenge. The team has raised £26,231, which will be matched from the Rigby Foundation to raise an amazing £54,000 for Place2Be. This will help the charity provide school-based support and in-depth training programmes to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and school staff. Place2Be has been one of the Rigby Group’s chosen charities for the past two years, and during this time the group has built a strong and meaningful relationship with them. The group, involving SCC, has been involved in supporting several Place2Be fundraising initiatives. Place2Be helps to improve the prospects of children aged 4–14 years, by tackling the complex social and emotional issues that often lie behind the challenging behaviour and educational underperformance. The charity relies on support to reach these children and their families.