M2 Raises Over £3,400 for Children in Need

M2 is proud to announce that we have raised over £3,400 for Children in Need.

On Friday the 16th of November we held a wide range of activities across all M2 sites. An eclectic range of products, services and prizes was up for grabs in our Children in Need Talent Auction including portrait drawing, neck and shoulder massages, a mocktail mixologist, a track day at Oulton Park, custom hoodies, a tray of Rocky Road, and being able to hire a CEO for the day.

Colleagues donated money to dress down for the day, and there were several life-sized Pudseys in the office, with many others sporting full face make up.

The wet sponge throwing was a particular highlight, and credit where it’s due, there were many ‘willing’ volunteers who dealt with the cold conditions admirably.

There were also many entries for the Children in Need Duck Race, which was filmed at Dino Falls Adventure Golf, around the corner from our head office. The eventual winner was James Pond, who crossed the finish line slightly shaken, but not stirred.

Last, but certainly not least, our CEO John Taylor offered to get drenched by cold bucket of water if colleagues could secure £25. With such a rare offer on the table, funding soon flooded in, and 8 buckets of water were secured!

IT Director Bill Forrest, who has overseen our CSR programme during 2018, commented “This was a great day at M2. We take a lot of pride in supporting great causes like Children in Need, and our colleagues really threw themselves in to it!”

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