Signs that your colocation provider facilitates a hybrid cloud journey

SCC Data Centre

With an exponential increase in data production in the last decade many companies are finding that their private clouds can no longer handle peak-time demand; this is leading to a shift in hybrid cloud usage. But when moving to a hybrid system, will your colocation provider meet your specific needs? Make sure you consider these vital factors: Carrier Neutrality Carrier neutrality is significant not just in terms of cost but also from a delivery perspective. Being forcibly locked into using certain service providers can have a marked impact on both bandwidth and cost. The more providers offered at a colocation centre the greater the potential competition, which means that you can choose the service that best meets your needs. If your business is moving to hybrid cloud mostly for data storage then it can make sense to use a more cost effective option; in contrast, if you’re looking to move core operations to a hybrid cloud then it’s wise to consider a service provider with a superior bandwidth. If your colocation provider is not carrier neutral you’ll be restricted to only one service choice, which means prices are likely to be far higher with rigid bandwidth options not tailored for your needs. Security Naturally, a principle concern with regards to a hybrid cloud model is security. You want to feel confident that your provider is safe to use and this can be determined through forms of accreditation, such as ISO 27001. An in-house security team with network operations centre (NOC) monitoring is also important, in order to reliably manage any potential incidents and co-ordinate with your own IT department. If you are a public sector institution then security is a major concern and you can only use a limited number of service providers. You must also ensure that those service providers have the correct security requirements, such as IL3 accreditation, which requires enhanced security to protect sensitive information and is a common requirement for central Government departments and some agencies. If your industry is regulated it’s essential that your cloud provider can meet any regulatory standard that you have to adhere to. Service Provision There is a suite of services that can have a considerable impact on making your hybrid cloud both more resilient and scalable. One such core service that your colocation provider should offer is an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). This is key for both your private infrastructure and cloud system; the more critical the processes you are moving to the public cloud are, the more important it becomes that your system has consistent up-time and will not suffer from random power outages. Related to this is an effective disaster recovery solution – in the event of anything going wrong, does your colocation provider have appropriate processes in place? SCC has made a significant investment in designing and building state-of-the-art facilities with the latest in security, power and cooling technology. It prioritises ensuring stable conditions all day, every day with continuous power from dual feeds, resilient generators and UPS systems, redundant cooling infrastructure, cold aisle containment and VESDA fire suppression and protection. Cost Management Your colocation provider should offer you multiple cost options to help with the hybrid cloud move, and these costs need to be transparent and easily tracked. This may include pay-as-you-go options, that allows your organisation to scale up when you’re facing high application demand. If you are trying to bring new products to market quickly then using a partner cloud solution along with your private cloud makes sense. If your colocation provider does not have the technical expertise for your move into hybrid cloud, then you are potentially missing out on a key cost-saving factor. By managing your servers and cloud with one party, it is significantly easier to administer the relationship. Further to this, it becomes simpler to proactively manage your hybrid cloud environment with organised audits, workshops, recommended upgrades and regular professional updates. SCC offers many cloud options including speciality hybrid cloud solutions and advice to ensure your business makes the best decision for the long term.

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