Wrapping Up Cybersecurity Awareness Month: SCC’s Commitment to Cybersecurity and Diversity 

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to an end, SCC looks back on a month dedicated to highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives. In its 20th year, this initiative has played a crucial role in raising awareness about cybersecurity and encouraging everyone to take steps to stay safe online. SCC has been an active participant in this important awareness campaign, and we’d like to reflect on our contributions and commitments. 

SCC & Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

Since its inception in 2004, Cybersecurity Awareness Month has been the leading global initiative aimed at promoting cybersecurity awareness and best practices. Held annually in October, it serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving challenges that organizations face in the digital age. As technology advances, so does the threat landscape, making it imperative for organizations to stay at the forefront of cybersecurity. 

Accelerating Cyber Resilience 

In our commitment to strengthening cybersecurity, SCC has partnered with lots of different organisations. We will showcase these relationships in the coming months.

During October we launched the XDR Pathfinder this helps show organisations how to detect and respond to threats in real-time, securing data and assets.

Empowering Women in Cybersecurity 

Diversity is a driving force behind innovation and progress, and yet, the field of information technology, including cybersecurity, remains male-dominated. At SCC, we are committed to changing this narrative. We actively encourage more women to pursue careers in cybersecurity and provide an inclusive environment where they can thrive. 

We shared some stories from our very own women in cyber, we featured Fiona Erskine, Karmjit Kaur, Lauren Kemp and Beth Bradford, if you missed these videos view here

We are immensely proud of these ladies and will continue to showcase our talent and inspire other women to pursue a career in cyber. 

Watch this space for more videos and register today for Cyber Excellence event in London on 22nd November .

What to Look Forward To 

As we conclude this year’s journey during Cybersecurity Awareness Month, SCC reaffirms our dedication to raising awareness and advocating for best practices in collaboration with our partners, 

Cybersecurity Awareness Month has continued to build momentum and impact by providing information to help individuals and organisations stay safer and more secure online. SCC is proud to support this initiative, which is co-managed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cybersecurity Alliance. 

Thank you for joining us in celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Stay vigilant, stay secure, and stay tuned for more from SCC in the cybersecurity world.

Why SCC?

SCC is a leading cyber security partner, trusted by our customers to provide end-to-end support and protection across their organisations. We tailor our innovative solutions to match the needs and maturity of each business. We steadfastly believe in working collaboratively with our clients to mitigate risk, educate team members and oversee a lasting transformation.

We are a Microsoft Security Solutions Partner and are proud to have achieved all four advanced specialisations in the security space, strengthening confidence in our expertise and solidifying our position as a leading provider of managed security services.  SCC is one of a few exclusive partners who deliver this engagement in collaboration with Microsoft. Request a pathfinder to discover more.

If you’re interested in learning more about the services we offer please get in touch with your SCC account manager

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