4 ways you can save money by Colocation

IT is no longer hiding in the back office; it’s at the forefront of businesses all over the world – and it is also costing more than ever before. It’s a valuable asset to your organisation and IT will inevitably grow and evolve over the coming years as technology continually progresses. So, how can you keep IT costs down, whilst also growing in accordance with new, exciting technology? It’s simple; co-locate.  


There’s a whole host of benefits when colocating your IT to an accredited data centre, but one of the main ones is cost saving. Colocate and make these benefits a reality:

  1. Free up space

The cost of renting and even owning office space is certainly not cheap, especially in London and the south. By co-locating your IT to a data centre you could significantly reduce the space needed in your office for IT equipment, if not remove it completely. When moving offices, you could even look at downsizing and therefore see a reduction in rent.

  1. Working with experts

It could be that the premise of your organisation has nothing to do with IT or technology and therefore having to make big IT decisions could cause more stress than necessary. By picking a colocation partner that is service-led, you could benefit from having expert help on demand. IT specialists will be able to answer any IT queries or questions and will ensure you are getting the most out of your tech for your business.

  1. Running costs

Another fantastic advantage of co-locating your IT is that you can reduce your basic running costs. With IT in the careful hands of IT professionals, you no longer need to be supplying the cooling, power, bandwidth and physical security for your servers. This could amount to a huge saving. There are some organisations that might not want to move their data off-premise due to security fears, but with the right partner, your data will be more secure than ever before.

  1. Make it part of your cloud strategy

Clever and forward-thinking businesses are moving parts of their infrastructure to the cloud as part of their IT strategy, which also helps bring down costs, as there is less need for high levels of security. Adopting a hybrid cloud strategy could provide flexibility, as different applications require different solutions and this can be done via co-location. It can achieve both the cost savings and performance that you need. Your colocation provider should offer you multiple cost options to help with the hybrid cloud move, and these costs need to be transparent and easily tracked. At SCC, we can facilitate your hybrid cloud strategy and provide multiple cost-effective options to suit you.

Start your colocation journey now

Co-location is the optimum choice for businesses that cannot afford to set-up or run their own data centres and would prefer not to have the hassle. The next step now is to pick the best co-location service partner – here at SCC; we have vast experience in colocation, and provide top quality service to some of the biggest names in the UK. For further information about this service click here.

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