Organisations using AI rockets by 270%

New research by Gartner has revealed that businesses across all industries are using artificial intelligence (AI) to gain an advantage over competitors. The 2019 CIO survey, of 3,000 chief information officers across 89 countries, found that the number of organisations using AI has risen by 270% since 2015. It also uncovered that 52% of telecommunications companies use chatbots, while 38% of healthcare providers use computer-assisted diagnostics. Gartner vice president, Chris Howard, said the tech’s nascent maturity level means most of those firms are now able to use it in a role designed to assist human workers, rather than do human tasks itself. “We still remain far from general AI that can wholly take over complex tasks, but we have now entered the realm of AI-augmented work and decision science — what we call ‘augmented intelligence’,” he said. “If you are a CIO and your organisation doesn’t use AI, chances are high that your competitors do and this should be a concern.” Howard added, “In order to stay ahead chief information officers need to be creative. If there is no AI talent available, another possibility is to invest in training programmes for employees with backgrounds in statistics and data management. Some organisations also create job shares with ecosystem and business partners.” <!– Discover more about SCC’s AI offerings here –>

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