SCC Now Offer Microsoft CIE Surface Opportunity

SCC are now offering the opportunity to engage in CIE sessions to allow you to discover the benefits of using Microsoft Surface Devices in your business. Andy Nabbs – Head of SCC End User Compute – spoke to us about some of his thoughts on the subject. Click here to listen now. 

Successful digital transformation is easier to achieve with software and devices that have been designed to work together. Keep your organisation on the right track with Surface and Microsoft 365 joining the essential foundation and familiarity of Windows 10 Pro, the protection of Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security, and the Office 365 productivity apps you rely on every day.                           

Inspire employees, boost productivity, secure company data, and unlock more value for your organisation. Whether you want a 2-in-1, a laptop, or a desktop-Surface will bring you the best of Microsoft, and give the competitive edge you need to be ready for tomorrow. With the right devices supporting digital initiatives, the possibilities are endless.


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